Focus, Record, Implement, Document

As we get older it is important to create a life that is meaningful.

Looking back on all that you have accomplished, focus on that which has given you the most pleasure. 

Reinventing the next phase of your life is not about doing everything different. 

It’s about building on what you have accomplished. It’s about looking back and gaining insight about ways to keep doing those things, without the stress. 

What needs to change? 

What can you add?

What needs to go?

For me what gives me pleasure is when 

I share, 


create connection.

Write down what you discover and describe the ways that these experiences manifest. For me, 

I share when I write poems and make books. 

I entertain when I have tea parties, dinner parties, organize poetry readings. 

I create connection when I create opportunities to listen to others as they discover their passion for self-expression.

Create ways to do more of what you love to do. 

Remember, this is not about creating a job or money. 

It is about doing more of the things you like to do, the tasks you let slip away. Gardening, 

grilling out, 


inviting friends over. 

This is the pleasure that will be with you the rest of your life. 

Everything you do from now on is very important. 

Don’t just take photos. Make prints, and small books. 

Write about what happened, who was there. 

Find the stories and poetry in your life. 

This is your legacy.