On how we are the same and different pursuing our true purpose:


My dear,

I have known you for many years. You are a goddess, childlike, a spiritual seeker. You flow, move easily, impart wisdom with heightened sexual awareness, owning and embracing your body. 

You were an artist before I knew anything about the world of art. Your sculptured clitoris revealed everything I needed to know. Your intelligent mind captivated and captivates, with kind, considerate, caring attentiveness. 

Your brushstrokes intense and vibrant become soothing, softening, tranquility sets in. Your words illicit. You have lived in the world of poetry before I knew such a world existed. Taking risks in relationships, pursuing pleasure and desire. 

You are a goddess, temporarily caught in the maya of mass despair, your pursuit of textures smeared into knowing spread across your canvas, waiting.