/You have to have vision. You have to have technique.
My vision is always the same.
defined by nature
only the elements change
the flow of hair emerges from the landscape
color emanates from the rainbow
Back in the day, 1975, when I was designing haircuts,
my vision was on balance. When cutting hair, after a conversation, I made decisions about overall length and shape. I followed the technique and the haircut always turned out balanced, fitting the shape of the head and grew out well.
Today, when dying fabric, I focus on color. Technique is formulating color, following directions for mixing, making my own rules and sticking to them.
Always use three colors.
Drizzle carefully
Read the flow of the dye
like a kayaker reads the flow of a river
The fabric comes alive.
For art to wear, it’s movement I want.
When designing, technique is simple, designs are tribal.
Tearing fabric , seldom cutting, letting the cloth become the clothing.
My writing technique is the timed writing, creating the flow, receiving and digging up words, transcribing with line breaks at the breath.
When defining a body of work, my technique is asking three questions
what is this about?
why did I write it?
who wants to read it?
Words define the story.
A collection becomes a body of work.